September 12-22, 2019
September 12

7am, outside temperature 30C

Dubai International Airport ― 3:03AM

My body is ready

9H - Nine Hours, Shinjuku, Tokyo ― 4:23PM

September 13

Been thinking of a new outfit

Uniqlo ― 5:01AM

Just a metro car

Mejiro ― 7:02AM

This place looks cool.

Toshima, Tokyo ― 8:51AM

Tokyo is another planet

teamLab Borderless / チームラボボーダレス ― 1:02PM

This is the giant sky wheel

Palette Town ― 1:28PM


teamLab Borderless / チームラボボーダレス ― 2:16PM

September 14

Like being in a 90‘s movie with these old taxis and DVDs (and gold).

Shinjuku ― 12:06AM

Not sure what this says but it looks awesome

9H - Nine Hours, Shinjuku, Tokyo ― 1:03AM


Shimbashi Station ― 1:58AM

Hanging out in the classiest museum shop ever waiting for @tlfrd

Tokyo National Museum ― 4:59AM

Eyes wonder

Tokyo National Museum ― 11:28AM

Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits

Tokyo National Museum ― 12:14PM

They can presumably read the scrolls

Tokyo National Museum ― 1:43PM

Busy day in Tokyo town

Okachimachi Station ― 10:31PM

Night time Tokyo

Chiyoda City ― 11:52PM

September 15

Lost and found, only in Tokyo

Chiyoda City ― 1:29AM

You can‘t telephoto macro with a 35mm fixed prime they said

Nikko, Tochigi ― 8:52AM

Views from the train revealed quiet streets and even more wires

Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan ― 9:51AM

On a summers day, 1000s of visitors climb the steps to see the Shinto shrine

Nikkō Tōshō-gū ― 11:30AM

I could have done with a sunbrella

Nikkō Tōshō-gū ― 1:15PM

September 16


Nikkō Tōshō-gū ― 12:41AM

Smoke on the water, keeping BBQ fire risks to a minimum

Nikko, Tochigi ― 1:25AM

Japan really has the finishing touches nailed down

Nikko, Tochigi ― 3:42AM

TIL: Japan has amazing rivers too

Nikkō National Park ― 4:40AM

It‘s ☔ so we’re shopping, at Muji, our fav place

MUJI Ginza ― 5:37AM

Welcome to 🌈

Rainbow Bridge (Tokyo) ― 12:25PM

On the DLR

Rainbow Bridge (Tokyo) ― 1:26PM

The National Art Center, Roppongi ― 11:29PM

September 17

Golden hour walk

The National Art Center, Roppongi ― 12:19AM

Sunnies on, time for a cheeky escalator selfie

The National Art Center, Roppongi ― 2:42AM

Couples that sky deck together, stay together

ローソン 六本木ヒルズ店 ― 4:42AM

Yup, we all took the same photos but I paid £13 for this one so here you go. Also, goodbye Tokyo. Next stop Osaka!

バルバッコア六本木店 ― 5:39AM

It‘s not Mt Fuji because I missed that one 😰 let the whole team down. Tōkaidō Shinkansen ➡️ Osaka. Nice to have a physical shutter when you’re travelling nearly 300kmph! 📸

Hiratsuka, Kanagawa ― 7:02AM

Huge fan of this hand-drawn Osaka map for tourists

なんば Namba ― 12:22PM

Home from home

BIC Camera 道頓掘 ― 1:41PM

Friends that bubble tea together stay together

くれおーる 道頓堀店 ― 2:57PM

September 18


くれおーる 道頓堀店 ― 12:04AM

Today we are at Osaka castle

Osaka Castle ― 2:46AM

Every day is a winding road

Osaka Castle ― 3:49AM

If you visited Japan in the 1830s, you‘ll be pleased that it’s not changed much

The Osaka Museum of Housing and Living 大阪今昔生活館 ― 2:08PM

I give you the bokeh boat ⛵

The Osaka Museum of Housing and Living 大阪今昔生活館 ― 2:57PM

Evening benches

梅田スカイビル(Umeda Sky Building) ― 10:24PM

September 19

Well ahead of the sunset rush. Think this is my fav city viewpoint, more to come…

Umeda Sky Tower Osaka Japan ― 12:29AM

Endless photo fun

Umeda Sky Tower Osaka Japan ― 2:12AM

Glowing streets below

Umeda Sky Tower Osaka Japan ― 5:17AM

Osaka 🌇

梅田スカイビル(Umeda Sky Building) ― 7:14AM

More night time Osaka for y‘all (last one)

Umeda Sky Tower Osaka Japan ― 9:45AM


梅田スカイビル(Umeda Sky Building) ― 11:06AM

Got up pritty early for this one, it‘d seem not early enough.

嵐山駅 (京福電気鉄道) ― 12:05PM

Hard shadows and hard times for this old minivan

Fushimi Inari-taisha ― 1:09PM

With our photographer blockage creating almost a clean view, this frustrated tourist broke through. Don‘t blame him, protogs blocking your way to the peach Fanta must be a pain…

Fushimi Inari-taisha ― 2:13PM

Album Cover Photo ✔️

Kyoto Railway Museum ― 11:43PM

September 20

Meanwhile, these people are building a steam train 🚂

Kyoto Railway Museum ― 5:21AM

Peaceful palace trip & goodbye Kyoto 👋

Kyoto Imperial Palace ― 6:14AM

Nice view for writing postcards 📮

Minoh Falls, Mino-O, Osaka ― 8:10AM

We took the jungle path 🌿🍂🍃

Meiji no Mori Minō Quasi-National Park ― 9:52AM

Another nice touch

Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum ― 11:33AM

September 21

Brutalist Nara

鳥 ― 1:15PM

September 22

A day out with the fishies. I‘m all a bit fished out, ready to come home

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan ― 6:15AM
